New innovations bring weep holes into the 21st Century!
Maintainable Weep Hole Filters Jet Filter: All earth-retaining structures require a way to drain hydrostatic pressure off the back of a wall and provide soil filtration that will stop soil…
Maintainable Weep Hole Filters Jet Filter: All earth-retaining structures require a way to drain hydrostatic pressure off the back of a wall and provide soil filtration that will stop soil…
In June 2019, JET Filter System partnered with the Michigan DOT and LS Engineering in a field demonstration program of maintainable weep hole filters. The units were installed in a box culvert under US-31 at the north branch of the…
Michigan DOT and Jet Filter System completed a successful 2-year product demonstration of Maintainable Weep Hole Filters. These results are now published on the AASHTO Product Evaluation List under DOT Evaluated Products. …